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Based on the concept of position based salary, person based salary and performance based salary, the company provides employees with competitive salary in the industry. Set up various bonus systems, such as quarterly bonus, year-end bonus, proposal bonus, TDR bonus, etc. Set birthdays, festivals, red / white events and subsidies for employees' children entering the nursery.


- Insurance


According to law, the company pays five insurances and one fund (endowment insurance, medical insurance, work injury insurance, maternity insurance, unemployment insurance and housing fund); employees enjoy personal accident insurance and major disease insurance free of charge; employees enjoy overseas travel insurance free of charge.

-Clothing, food, housing and transportation

The company provides free work clothes, canteens and dormitories (air conditioning, television, bathroom and other facilities and 24-hour security management) are set in the plant area, and vehicles to and from the plant are free of charge. Regular physical examination.

- Holidays


Paid annual leave, national statutory leave, marriage leave, bereavement leave, women's leave on March 8, youth leave on May 4, paid sick leave and personal leave; female employees are entitled to maternity leave (158 days), breastfeeding leave, maternity examination leave and paternity leave.

-Excellent and excellent

Every year, excellent employees, supervisors, and teams will be selected for election. For 10 / 20 years of senior employees, staff medals will be awarded.

-Cultural entertainment

The company regularly holds large-scale literary and art activities, domestic and foreign tourism of employees; monthly celebration activities of employees; Department team building activities; cultural and entertainment competitions; organization of dance, ball games, yoga, mountaineering and other community activities to enrich the spare time life of employees.

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